Thursday, October 15, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Truely blessed!
Conference is so wonderful they always find a way to let me know what I need to hear! This up coming week is going to busy! My mom is going in for her third round of chemo on the 7th. From this past round we were for the most part very pleased they like to keep her in the hospital and keep her hydrated! So she will be in the hospital again and I am very sad I'm hoping she will be out in time for next saturday to see me off to my first dance!! Yep homecoming is all this week, so i'll be everywhere! Thank heavens for cell phones! I'll post pictures soon when the dress is done! I'm so excited and so blessed to have a Mom that can make something so simple into something so adorable! We love you all!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Hey everyone this is Kristi's other daughter Afton.. I'm sure you guys are wondering how my mom is doing so i'm going to try and keep you all updated! My mom recently recieved a ped scan and there was good and bad news.. the chemo was doing very well for her lungs, but in the process they missed the slower growing cells and they discovered a few tumors in her leg! Since then they've done radiation and they put her on a new chemotherapy that will treat both fast and slow growing cells! It has been pretty rough on her, but we all have faith and we feel your prayers. They are much appreciated! Thank you all! We love you!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Kristi Update
After spending 10 days in the hospital for two more back surgeries, Kristi is now home recovering and making GREAT strides! Chemo has been re-booted and treatments should now continue as originally planned....every other week until September! Thanks for all your prayers and concern! I (Hillary, Kristi's daughter) will be updating this blog for her!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Well I have to say my kids really did it! If ever I needed a pick-me-up it was this year! My home-making skills have been squelched by major back surgery and chemo sludge. The dust kittens have become roaring tigers and try as I might, they are HARD to ignore! I guess the kiddos picked up on that and...gave me three hours of HOUSE CLEANING sevices for Mom's Day! I didn't let any more dust grow under my feet. The miracle workers came today! I will not be furnishing you with any "before" photos, but sufficeth to say the "AFTER" is worth the front page of the New York Times!
You can almost see the sunlight zinging off from all things sparkling!!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
(...and I don't mean that nifty little eletronic device either!)
I look forward to the 2nd week of May like Christmas is coming! The whole month of April I have my eyes on our Blackberry Patch (It seems to expedite the mourning process of the citrus trees going bare)!
…first comes the little white blossoms, then the tiny green hard berries which turn to a coral red and FINALLY a dark blackish-purple berry (well named)! These plump big-as-your-thumb morsels are PURE HEAVEN!
There is a dark side to this delicacy beyond their color, however. These treasures are protected by thorns that would put a Jumping Cactus to shame! Wisdom must be used when gearing up for picking. I tell you, the canes will jump out and grab you and they DO NOT let go without a price. In my enthusiasm, I have let wisdom take a back seat and paid that price. I have had them tangled in my hair (it’s true, I used to have some, tee-hee), and glom onto my arms and ankles. Eeeowwwie!
Hint: Never go near the patch in FLIP FLOPS! And ALWAYS wear gloves. Long sleeves are a good idea too.
We started our Blackberry Patch about 8 years ago. To see it now you would never know of its' humble beginnings! We actually started with just 5 canes that we transplanted from my dad! It has been thinned many times since!! Our grandchildren have learned that once a ball or toy goes in to the Patch, it is likely never to be seen again.
I guess the fruits of any of life’s labors can be looked at like our Blackberry Patch. We start out small…small steps, small dreams. We nourish those dreams with the faith that they will produce happiness. We learn along the way that there are certain ways to do things to receive the greatest bounty of life’s blessings. Sometimes we learn by watching others (mistakes and successes) and then there are some of us that get impatient and just have to learn the hard way. I have learned from the Patch that shortcuts are usually not the most expedient or painless way to get to life’s prizes. It is only when I go into it with full “armor” that I can reap the joy of its’ sweetest fruits.
…first comes the little white blossoms, then the tiny green hard berries which turn to a coral red and FINALLY a dark blackish-purple berry (well named)! These plump big-as-your-thumb morsels are PURE HEAVEN!
Hint: Never go near the patch in FLIP FLOPS! And ALWAYS wear gloves. Long sleeves are a good idea too.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
EVERY week-day for the past month I have made the morning commute to Desert Banner Hospital...For as excited as I probably sound, I must say I'm gonna kind of MISS it! Call me CRAZY, but this it why...
I have met and daily been aided by some of the NICEST people you'll ever want to meet! I will MISS them I thought I'd introduce them AND show you what they do.
They line up the the lazers with 3 little tiny tattos that show them where to go each time. TATTOOS did I say??!! (Not to worry, I haven't thrown my ethics frivolously will nilly! They are about the size of a small freckle).
Meet Louie (on the right) & Sam (on the left). Not pictured is Pam.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
I thought I'd pass along this recipe for those of you who enjoy chocolate cake!
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa
1 egg
3 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional)
A small splash of vanilla extract
1 large coffee mug (MicroSafe)
Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well. Add the egg and mix thoroughly.
Pour in the milk and oil and mix well.
Add the chocolate chips (if using) and vanilla extract, and mix again. Put your mug in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at 1000 watts.
The cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don't be alarmed!
Allow to cool a little, and tip out onto a plate if desired. EAT ! (this can serve 2 if you want to feel slightly more virtuous).
And why is this the most dangerous cake recipe in the world? Because now we are all only 5 minutes away from chocolate cake at any time of the day or night!
Friday, May 1, 2009
May 1st...It's May Day. I like it because spring is in the air and the hot weather has not yet invaded. I mostly think I like it because it is another excuse to tell people you are thinking of them AND you do it with FLOWERS!
I don't remember when May Day became a big deal to me. In 8th grade I had a MATH teacher, Miss Laura Coil. I despised math but thought the WORLD of her. She had a rabbit named Crumpet, whom she gave daily updates on. She had a witty sense of humor and told us jokes that to this day I remember some of. Mostly I loved that she loved us. We all knew she did. I remember that year making up my first May Day bouquet. I delivered it to her. Perhaps that is when May Day sentiments were born in me...8th grade Math...and a teacher who really loved me!
Since I can't knock and run a bouquet to each of your door-steps, I would like to deliver one to you just the same. It's May Day...and you are LOVED!!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
As you know...Yes-I am in for the fight of my life! I have been asked pretty much daily, what my "Battle Plan" consists of. I can't imagine anything more boring for you than my schedule, but here you go:
Monday-Radiation, 2 Lovenox injections+meds, Nulasta injection
Tuesday-Radiation, 2 Lovenox injections+meds
Wednesday-Radiation, Blood Draw, 2 Lovenox injections+meds
Thursday-Radiation, Dr. Tsia consult, Dr. Cavalcant consult, 2 Lovenox injections+meds
Friday-Radiation, every third Fri-Chemo, 2 Lovenox injections+meds
Saturday- 2 Lovenox injections+meds
Sunday- 2 Lovenox injections+meds
OK...The fight is REAL and it is worth it!!! But to me it is not a GRIND! It's the way I GET to live.
I happened upon a quote by Marco Morro. It is simple (but so am I). He says:
It is a glorious privilege to live!!----to know, to act, to listen, to behold, to love, to look up at the blue summer sky, to see the sun sink slowly beyond the line of the horizon, to watch the worlds come twinkling into view, first one by one, and the myriads that no man can count, and lo! The universe is white with them----And you and I ARE HERE!!!
No matter what craziness or lack of control you may be feeling in or about the direction of your schedule, I'd just like to echo... AHHHHH yes, but..."You and I ARE HERE"!!!
Monday-Radiation, 2 Lovenox injections+meds, Nulasta injection
Tuesday-Radiation, 2 Lovenox injections+meds
Wednesday-Radiation, Blood Draw, 2 Lovenox injections+meds
Thursday-Radiation, Dr. Tsia consult, Dr. Cavalcant consult, 2 Lovenox injections+meds
Friday-Radiation, every third Fri-Chemo, 2 Lovenox injections+meds
Saturday- 2 Lovenox injections+meds
Sunday- 2 Lovenox injections+meds
OK...The fight is REAL and it is worth it!!! But to me it is not a GRIND! It's the way I GET to live.
I happened upon a quote by Marco Morro. It is simple (but so am I). He says:
It is a glorious privilege to live!!----to know, to act, to listen, to behold, to love, to look up at the blue summer sky, to see the sun sink slowly beyond the line of the horizon, to watch the worlds come twinkling into view, first one by one, and the myriads that no man can count, and lo! The universe is white with them----And you and I ARE HERE!!!
No matter what craziness or lack of control you may be feeling in or about the direction of your schedule, I'd just like to echo... AHHHHH yes, but..."You and I ARE HERE"!!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The SALE was successfull beyond my hopes!!! AND...YES, I did make enough to purchase a WIG! Infact THANKS to HAPPY buyers...enough to buy 3 or 4, but who NEEDS that many?!?! NOT ME! But really folks...I can't THANK you enough! Here is a peek at my WIG shopping adventure! Cute isn't it?! Now I just need the nerve to WEAR it!!!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
My daughter Hillary Goodman is helping me de-clutter and simplify my home. I have (had) an antiques and collectible business that I can't run anymore so she's further helping me by putting together and running a SUPER GARAGE SALE---this coming SATURDAY, with more GOODIES than you can imagine! Here is a SNEEK-PEEK at some of the things you will find!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Hair today-gone tomorrow! yesterday the hair started coming out in strings, so I knew kinda' what to expect just around the corner. So here is your LAST look at the old "DO".
Personally I think Terri was having WAY too much fun!! But was kinda' catching, because I did too
So I called Terri Hill and asked her to come over with all her hair cutting stuff. She wanted to know how short. WHADDYA' think?!?!?!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
I LOVE sending cards! I LOVE finding just the right one that says something so perfect that when I read it I want to shout BINGO!
To be on the receiver's end is... well...WONDERFUL! I have never been so overwhelmed by greeting cards, both tangible and "virtual"! The well wishes have warmed my heart and soul! Each signature reminds me of the BLESSING the giver is in my life. So with your message, spoken or penned, please know that with each one you are my heart's reason for shouting B I N G O ! !
Thursday, April 2, 2009
OK—This is DORKY me here! Last Friday was my first Chemo. It was such a first for me that it felt kinda’ like the first day of school, so I treated it the same way I did my kids. Photo on the front porch, waving good bye, ya know the drill. Thought it might give you a chuckle! LOVE you all SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!--Kristi
Hmmmmmmmm! Little did I know when I sent you all the Lemon Square recipe that is would become a sort of mascot for the days ahead!
To FINALLY find out what was wrong with my leg was a great relief!! It had been like fighting an invisible monster!! To find out that I had a shattered vertabrae caused by a tumor in my spine finally brought it out in the open! YUCKY-the monster may be UUUUGLY but now we can see what we are fighting! The surgery to remove as much tumor as possible and rebuild my spine took heavy duty hospital time. 9 days to be exact! Each of those 9 days was filled with well wishers, family and hospital food. I had been eating it for more than a week. That is 9 X 3 meals a day. On the last day, as you can imagine, I was so READY to be home, but it was evening meal time before I got the final OK from the last Dr. A meal tray was brought in just as I was getting ready to get into the wheel chair that would take me outside into the fresh air and HOME! Eating was not my top priority at that juncture! My nurse coaxed me with "You might as well eat since it is here". I didn't want to seem ungrateful so I took a stab at the meat loaf and mashed potatoes. Then I saw it...after 27 other meal trays, there it was...a LEMON SQUARE!! I swallowed the lump in my throat, and silently gave a little extra thanks. Yep-- it's still true. That seemingly bitter fruit can be sweetened to the point of joy!
To FINALLY find out what was wrong with my leg was a great relief!! It had been like fighting an invisible monster!! To find out that I had a shattered vertabrae caused by a tumor in my spine finally brought it out in the open! YUCKY-the monster may be UUUUGLY but now we can see what we are fighting! The surgery to remove as much tumor as possible and rebuild my spine took heavy duty hospital time. 9 days to be exact! Each of those 9 days was filled with well wishers, family and hospital food. I had been eating it for more than a week. That is 9 X 3 meals a day. On the last day, as you can imagine, I was so READY to be home, but it was evening meal time before I got the final OK from the last Dr. A meal tray was brought in just as I was getting ready to get into the wheel chair that would take me outside into the fresh air and HOME! Eating was not my top priority at that juncture! My nurse coaxed me with "You might as well eat since it is here". I didn't want to seem ungrateful so I took a stab at the meat loaf and mashed potatoes. Then I saw it...after 27 other meal trays, there it was...a LEMON SQUARE!! I swallowed the lump in my throat, and silently gave a little extra thanks. Yep-- it's still true. That seemingly bitter fruit can be sweetened to the point of joy!
Saturday, February 28, 2009

When life gives you LEMONS...make LEMON SQUARES!!
2 Cups Flour
2 Pinches salt (or hubby, which ever is handier!)
1/2 Cup Powdered Sugar
2 Sticks of Butter
2 Cups Sugar
4 Tablespoons Flour
4 Eggs (beaten)
6 Tablespoons LEMON juice
1 Teaspoon Baking Powder
Mix CRUST ingredients (until crumbly). Pat into cake pan. Bake 20 minites @ 350 degrees.
Set aside while making Filling.
Mix FILLING ingrediants and our over CRUST. Bake 20 minutes @ 350 degrees.
Sprinkle with Powdered Sugar and ENJOY!!
Some of you know I’ve had quite a bout with an unexplained “back pain” situation. For close to 4 weeks I have done EVERYTHING (and then some) to get relief. Suffice it to say, 2 Vicodin doesn’t even touch it! I now have my computer perched on top of 2 metal milk crates because I literally cannot sit down. I was kind of moping around today thinking… “ I am SO ready for this to be over. What have I not learned yet?”…when I got an email from a dear friend, Judy Packard Ethington, requesting my LEMON SQUARE recipe. I went to search out my dog-eared recipe, which started a chain reaction inside of my brain. “Oh ya, I thought, the citrus trees are loaded. I see the oranges and grapefruit trees out the window. But I can’t see the lemon trees. I walked (hobbled) out into the sunshine, camera in hand and took a few pix of this sunshiny fruit, thoughts still ticking away. The sun felt healing and I found GREAT appreciation for these and other citrus trees that were growing right here in my own back yard! For a little window of time, the pain no longer had center stage. I thought about so many other things that have been crowded out of my thoughts by pain… and memories of blessings began to flood into my soul without number!!
I thought more about lemons in particular. At first taste, you would think they were impossible to enjoy. BUT, Ah HA! There really are MANY ways to find joy even with that bitter taste present!! So I just thought I’d share these thoughts with those so dear to me. Having felt rather worthless housework wise and meal wise, I have been served by some dear friends. I have had the overwhelming desire to GET WELL, so I can thank them. I realized I don’t have to wait.
THANK YOU Judy for simply asking for a recipe!
Share with anyone else who may be having a poopie day. One other offer: If you live within the area: PLEASE feel free to come and help yourselves to some of these LEMONY-sunshiny wonders in our backyard! Seriously!! Just BYOB. If you are too far away…please enjoy the recipe anyways and know that like the lemon (our trials) at first, though they seem impossible to reap delicious fruit, with other blessings and family they truly can become SWEET!!!!
I thought more about lemons in particular. At first taste, you would think they were impossible to enjoy. BUT, Ah HA! There really are MANY ways to find joy even with that bitter taste present!! So I just thought I’d share these thoughts with those so dear to me. Having felt rather worthless housework wise and meal wise, I have been served by some dear friends. I have had the overwhelming desire to GET WELL, so I can thank them. I realized I don’t have to wait.
THANK YOU Judy for simply asking for a recipe!
Share with anyone else who may be having a poopie day. One other offer: If you live within the area: PLEASE feel free to come and help yourselves to some of these LEMONY-sunshiny wonders in our backyard! Seriously!! Just BYOB. If you are too far away…please enjoy the recipe anyways and know that like the lemon (our trials) at first, though they seem impossible to reap delicious fruit, with other blessings and family they truly can become SWEET!!!!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
My NEWEST Etsy Aventure!!
OK...Call me CRAZY (hey, be NICE!), but I just opened a NEW Etsy Shoppe!
It is called (tah tah tah, Duh!!!):
(stop LAUGHING!)
I'm EXCITED! It has its own UNIQUE personality! It takes you ROOM-by-ROOM through your own little "nest" and shows all kinds of GOODIES that could make it just a little COZIER! Maybe in ways you've never thought of before!!
Here are just a few ideas to get you started...then click the link (on the right, by the same name) and you can enter my "stash of stuff" that might be just what you are looking COULD HAPPEN!!
Friday, February 6, 2009
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