You are entering Kristi's world of snippets, doo-dads, tid-bits, scraps.....well, you get the idea!
A gentle word of CAUTION:
There is no rhyme or reason to what you may find here!! I will simply share with you the STUFF I find, or.........should I say, the STUFF that finds me! I could be rummaging or hunting OR sometimes it comes from out of no where, but nonetheless, the STUFF is there and it is REAL!

I am notorious for hoarding! You might ask: What is she gonna do with all that STUFF? Check my Etsy site for creations made from my stashes! Just click on the picture above to go to my site! You might get LUCKY! Something you see HERE could be for SALE!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Funeral of our Mother

Mom's funeral was held on March 2, 2010. Its been two months now and we are finally getting around to posting a few pictures. There were so many angels helping and offering there support that day. The funeral luncheon was completely "Kristi" and had all the pink touches! Thank you everyone who helped out and made this day special for our family. Each table centerpiece included a vase from Mom's collection and flowers picked from neighbors gardens, just the way Mom liked to arrange them! And each had a cute flag with a word that described her.

Mom was famous for having an endless supply of Little Debbies goodies, so of course, that was what we had for dessert. This basket was put together by Terri and Lindsee Hill, who made all the adorable rossettes for the daughters and grandaughters to take and wear.

The buffet table was so typical of the way Mom would decorate for a wedding reception, or a family picnic, or a relief society lesson, or anything really! Beautiful!

On display and for the taking, were all kinds of goodies created by Mom. Most of them were for sale on Etsy and other boutiques she participated in!