You are entering Kristi's world of snippets, doo-dads, tid-bits, scraps.....well, you get the idea!
A gentle word of CAUTION:
There is no rhyme or reason to what you may find here!! I will simply share with you the STUFF I find, or.........should I say, the STUFF that finds me! I could be rummaging or hunting OR sometimes it comes from out of no where, but nonetheless, the STUFF is there and it is REAL!

I am notorious for hoarding! You might ask: What is she gonna do with all that STUFF? Check my Etsy site for creations made from my stashes! Just click on the picture above to go to my site! You might get LUCKY! Something you see HERE could be for SALE!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hair today-gone tomorrow! yesterday the hair started coming out in strings, so I knew kinda' what to expect just around the corner. So here is your LAST look at the old "DO". Personally I think Terri was having WAY too much fun!! But was kinda' catching, because I did tooSo I called Terri Hill and asked her to come over with all her hair cutting stuff. She wanted to know how short. WHADDYA' think?!?!?!

So here you have it! I am hoping this will get me through Sunday with it being Easter and all. If not, I can wear an Easter hat!!—
So all-in-all it was a FUN diversion! I can't remember when I last had hair this lenght...oh wait...yes I do. I think the style was called a "Pixie". Well named--eh?


Corinne said...

I know this is going to be a tough part of all this. That being said I LOVE IT!!!! It looks fabulous! I'm proud of you for taking charge and having fun. You rock!

Lindsee said...

You look so cute!!

Vanessa said...

It suits you!

Tassi Smith said...

I love it! Your hair looks beautiful any way you wear it.

Unknown said...

It's cute! You look good! :)

L~ said...

Loooove it!

You're beautiful! :)

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised! Proverbs 31:30


Celeste Dana said...

Kristi - I LOVE it!!! But you're going to be just as beautiful bald - it's just who you are!!!