(...and I don't mean that nifty little eletronic device either!)
I look forward to the 2nd week of May like Christmas is coming! The whole month of April I have my eyes on our Blackberry Patch (It seems to expedite the mourning process of the citrus trees going bare)!
…first comes the little white blossoms, then the tiny green hard berries which turn to a coral red and FINALLY a dark blackish-purple berry (well named)! These plump big-as-your-thumb morsels are PURE HEAVEN!
There is a dark side to this delicacy beyond their color, however. These treasures are protected by thorns that would put a Jumping Cactus to shame! Wisdom must be used when gearing up for picking. I tell you, the canes will jump out and grab you and they DO NOT let go without a price. In my enthusiasm, I have let wisdom take a back seat and paid that price. I have had them tangled in my hair (it’s true, I used to have some, tee-hee), and glom onto my arms and ankles. Eeeowwwie!
Hint: Never go near the patch in FLIP FLOPS! And ALWAYS wear gloves. Long sleeves are a good idea too.
We started our Blackberry Patch about 8 years ago. To see it now you would never know of its' humble beginnings! We actually started with just 5 canes that we transplanted from my dad! It has been thinned many times since!! Our grandchildren have learned that once a ball or toy goes in to the Patch, it is likely never to be seen again.
I guess the fruits of any of life’s labors can be looked at like our Blackberry Patch. We start out small…small steps, small dreams. We nourish those dreams with the faith that they will produce happiness. We learn along the way that there are certain ways to do things to receive the greatest bounty of life’s blessings. Sometimes we learn by watching others (mistakes and successes) and then there are some of us that get impatient and just have to learn the hard way. I have learned from the Patch that shortcuts are usually not the most expedient or painless way to get to life’s prizes. It is only when I go into it with full “armor” that I can reap the joy of its’ sweetest fruits.
…first comes the little white blossoms, then the tiny green hard berries which turn to a coral red and FINALLY a dark blackish-purple berry (well named)! These plump big-as-your-thumb morsels are PURE HEAVEN!
Hint: Never go near the patch in FLIP FLOPS! And ALWAYS wear gloves. Long sleeves are a good idea too.
What? I didn't even know you could grow blackberries here- sad! They look SO delicious!
Me either...amazing! Are those for real??? Thought it was way too hot for berries in this country!! How did you do that???? I am impressed!!!
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