You are entering Kristi's world of snippets, doo-dads, tid-bits, scraps.....well, you get the idea!
A gentle word of CAUTION:
There is no rhyme or reason to what you may find here!! I will simply share with you the STUFF I find, or.........should I say, the STUFF that finds me! I could be rummaging or hunting OR sometimes it comes from out of no where, but nonetheless, the STUFF is there and it is REAL!

I am notorious for hoarding! You might ask: What is she gonna do with all that STUFF? Check my Etsy site for creations made from my stashes! Just click on the picture above to go to my site! You might get LUCKY! Something you see HERE could be for SALE!

Saturday, October 25, 2008


YEP--That's right!! I have opened my very own online BOOK SHOPPE called Busy Beaver Press!! I couldn't be more proud and humble at the same time (is that possible?)

The Little Stream makes it's debut at (click on book image).

If you have read The Little Stream you have probably fallen in LOVE with the Wise Old Beaver (I know I couldn't help it either!).

If the Wise Old Beaver were to make his own pencils, what would they be like?

Find out at!!


My 3 year old grandson Gavin, was intently absorbed in The Little Stream and I just couldn't resit this photo op. Is he CUTE or what?!?!?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I am FINALLY ready to offer my book The Little Stream to the PUBLIC! Family and friends have given the "thumbs up" and I am able to move forward with it. Before it hits stores I am offering it at a SPECIAL Pre-Distribution Price (SPDP) in its own little online Shoppe first!
In the coming week I will announce WHERE it will be available!
Suggested Retail Price:

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Entry Way-AFTER (finally)!!

My dad (G'Pa Rowley) is the great craftsman behind this adventure! The beaded board is not paneling! It is 8 foot long pieces by 2 boards wide! He pains-takingly fit each piece until we had the MASTERPIECE you see here! I found these GREAT Audutorium Chairs about a year ago for a song in a Prescott Thrift Shop. I had NO IDEA what I was going to do with them at the time, but I LOVE the HARMONY they make now!!

I think the Star Fish in a vintage wicker baset is my favorite accessory!

I have had this ANTIQUE "Hall Tree" for 25+ years! In the Antiques World it is a NO-NO to paint beautiful wood, but i was ready for a REAL change, and I'm not a bit sorry!

I was on a very TIGHT BUDGET and needed to put it into the beaded board and paint. We were at Home Depot and found just the right price for these light fixtures ($30), but the color was ALL WRONG. They were a murky dark copper color, but I LOVED the style!! What'a girl to do! YEP--Spray paint!!!!