You are entering Kristi's world of snippets, doo-dads, tid-bits, scraps.....well, you get the idea!
A gentle word of CAUTION:
There is no rhyme or reason to what you may find here!! I will simply share with you the STUFF I find, or.........should I say, the STUFF that finds me! I could be rummaging or hunting OR sometimes it comes from out of no where, but nonetheless, the STUFF is there and it is REAL!

I am notorious for hoarding! You might ask: What is she gonna do with all that STUFF? Check my Etsy site for creations made from my stashes! Just click on the picture above to go to my site! You might get LUCKY! Something you see HERE could be for SALE!

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Times, they are a Changin'!

After 27 years of the same wallpaper etc. it's just time for a CHANGE!! So...what we thought would be a "small Saturday" project turned into...well let's put it this way: We are now on our 9th day and we STILL don't have enough done to show you AFTER photos!!!!!
Afton's enthusiasm for the job is quite REFRESHING!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Halloween Treat bags!!!

Do you remember these? They remind me of grade school parties! You couldn't wait to see what kind of penny candy was inside. Everything is plastic & cellophane now days!!

Monday, September 8, 2008


I found all this COOL Vintage Crepe Paper! I want to keep it ALL, but I probably won't!